1. 越椒尚 Yuejiao Shang
  2. 越橘 cowberry blueberry
  3. 越滑越远 slither farther and farther
  4. 越狱 escape from prison
  5. 越狱犯 prison breaker
  6. 越狱罪 breach of prison
  7. 越狱而逃 escape from prison
  8. 越狱逃跑犯 prison escapee
  9. 越瓜 snake melon
  10. 越界 overstep the boundary
  11. 越界侵犯 encroach on the territory of...
  12. 越石 a surname
  13. 越石父 Yue Shifu
  14. 越石通 Yueshi Tong
  15. 越程 skip distance
  16. 越窗而入 leap in through the window
  17. 越窗而逃 escape through the window
  18. 越级 bypass the immediate leaders...
  19. 越级上报 bypass the immediate leaders...
  20. 越级提升 promote sb. more than one gr...
  21. 越级申诉 bypass the immediate leaders...
  22. 越蕉 Yuexi
  23. 越轨 exceed the bounds
  24. 越轨行为 impermissible behaviour
  25. 越轨行动 a movement out of the usual ...
  26. 越过 cross
  27. 越过万重山 climb over countless mountai...
  28. 越过山顶 pass the peak
  29. 越过边界 cross a boundary
  30. 越过边界进入别国领土 cross the border into anothe...
  31. 越过障碍 surmount obstacles
  32. 越野 cross-country
  33. 越野汽车 cross-country car
  34. 越野滑雪 cross-country skiing
  35. 越野能力 cross-country power
  36. 越野赛跑 cross-country race
  37. 越野赛车 offroad racing
  38. 越野车 go-anywhere vehicle
  39. 越野载重车 cross-country cargo carrier
  40. 越陷越深 be bogged down deeper and de...
  41. 越雷池一步 transgress the bounds
  42. hasten
  43. 趋之若骛 go after sth. like a flock o...
  44. 趋之若鹜 go after sth. like a flock o...
  45. 趋于极端 rush into extremes
  46. 趋光性 phototaxis
  47. 趋前 hasten forward tend towards
  48. 趋前迎迓 step forward to welcome sb.
  49. 趋势 trend
  50. 趋吉避凶 pursue good fortune and avoi...

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