1. 密访 secretly visit
  2. 密语 cryptolalia
  3. 密语私情 have a confidential conversa...
  4. 密语通信 crypto-communication
  5. 密谈 secret talk
  6. 密谋 conspire
  7. 密谋反叛 plot rebellion
  8. 密谋推翻政府 conspire against the governm...
  9. 密谋犯罪 conspire to commit a crime
  10. 密谋策划 conspire
  11. 密谋者 intriguer
  12. 密闭 be airtight
  13. 密闭舱 capsule
  14. 密闭贮藏 airtight storage
  15. 密闭车间 windowfree workshop
  16. 密陈利害 send a secret memorial conce...
  17. 密集 concentrated
  18. 密集射击 mass of fire
  19. 密集火力 closely grouped fire
  20. 密集炮火 intensive bombardment
  21. 密集的人群 a dense crowd
  22. 密集的弹雨 a shower of bullets
  23. 密集轰炸 density bombing
  24. 密集队形 close formation
  25. 密集防守 close defence
  26. 密革 a surname
  27. 密革平 Mige Ping
  28. 密须 a surname
  29. 密须浩 Mixu Hao
  30. 密鼓紧锣 wildly beating gongs and dru...
  31. bandit
  32. 寇乌式气压表 Kew-pattern barometer
  33. 寇仇 enemy
  34. 寇准 Kou Zhun
  35. 寇恩定则 Cohen's rule
  36. 寇斯峰 koster peak
  37. 寇边 harass border area
  38. 寇阿相思树 koa
  39. a surname
  40. 寋硕 Jian Shuo
  41. wealth
  42. 富丽堂皇 wealthy,beaufiful,grand,sple...
  43. 富于 be rich in
  44. 富于养分 be rich in nutrition
  45. 富于创造性 be highly creative
  46. 富于变化的 be full of variety
  47. 富于春秋 in the prime of one's life
  48. 富于牺牲精神 full of the spirit of self-s...
  49. 富于自我批评精神 be imbued with the spirit of...
  50. 富于营养 nourishing

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