1. 发迹 gain fame and fortune
  2. 发送 transmit by radio
  3. 发送密码电报 transmit a coded message dis...
  4. 发送机 transmitter
  5. 发送端 transmitting terminal
  6. 发送货物清单 list of forwarded traffic
  7. 发通告 send out public notice
  8. 发配 be transported to a distant ...
  9. 发配充军 send to a distant exile
  10. 发酒疯 be roaring drunk
  11. 发酵 ferment
  12. 发酸 turn sour
  13. 发问 ask a question
  14. 发难 rise in revolt
  15. 发震引力 earthquake-generating stress
  16. 发霉 become mildewed
  17. 发面 leaven dough
  18. 发面房 proofroom
  19. 发面点心 strudel
  20. 发面碱 fluffy soda
  21. 发面酵母 bakers' yeast
  22. 发面饼 leavened pancake
  23. 发音 pronunciation
  24. 发音准确 pronounce accurately
  25. 发音器官 vocal organs
  26. 发音困难 dysphonia
  27. 发音学 phonetics
  28. 发音方式 articulation type
  29. 发音方法 manner of articulation
  30. 发音时舌的部位 the position of the tongue i...
  31. 发音清晰 lamprophonia
  32. 发音清楚 a clear pronunciation
  33. 发音过弱 hypophonia
  34. 发音部位 points of articulation
  35. 发饷 issue pay
  36. 发馊 spoil and turn sour
  37. 发高烧 have a high fever
  38. 发髻 bun
  39. 发麻 tingle
  40. 发黄 turn yellow
  41. 发黑 turn black
  42. 发黑氧化处理 brunofix
  43. father's younger brother
  44. 叔仲 a surname
  45. 叔仲小 Shuzhong Xiao
  46. 叔伯 relationship between cousins...
  47. 叔伯兄弟 first or second cousins on t...
  48. 叔先 a surname
  49. 叔先雄 Shuxian Xiong
  50. 叔公 hushand's uncle grand-uncle

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