1. 逃避职责 evade doing a duty
  2. 逃避行为 escape behaviour
  3. 逃避训练 escape training
  4. 逃避责任 shirk responsibility
  5. 逃避资本 refuge capital
  6. 逃难 flee from danger
  7. a surname
  8. 逄萌 Pang Meng
  9. 逅见 "邂逅"
  10. contrary
  11. 逆产 traitor's property
  12. 逆光 back light
  13. 逆光照明 backlighting
  14. 逆反应 reverse reaction
  15. 逆反心理 antagonistic psychology
  16. 逆取顺守 retain political power by fa...
  17. 逆变 contravariant
  18. 逆变换 inverse transformation
  19. 逆变电源 inverter
  20. 逆向 reverse
  21. 逆回音 inverted turn
  22. 逆境 adverse circumstances
  23. 逆境生理 stress physiology
  24. 逆天行事 do godless things
  25. 逆天行道 in defiance of nature
  26. 逆子 unfilial son
  27. 逆学习 reversal learning
  28. 逆定理 converse theorem
  29. 逆差 adverse balance of trade
  30. 逆差国家 deficit country
  31. 逆序 retrograde
  32. 逆序列 opposite sequence
  33. 逆序法 hysterology
  34. 逆我者亡 Those who resist shall peris...
  35. 逆戟鲸 killer whale
  36. 逆料 anticipate
  37. 逆旅 inn
  38. 逆旅途中 in one's journey
  39. 逆时 inverse time
  40. 逆时代潮流而动 go against the trend of the ...
  41. 逆时针 anticlockwise
  42. 逆时针方向 counter-clockwise direction
  43. 逆时针方向旋转 counterclockwise rotation
  44. 逆来顺受 grin and bear it
  45. 逆水 against the current
  46. 逆水而上 go upstream
  47. 逆水行舟 sail against the current
  48. 逆波音 inverted mordent
  49. 逆流 anarrhea
  50. 逆流而上 sail against the current

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