1. 一种坚韧的木料 a tenacious wood
  2. 一种失传的艺术 a lost art
  3. 一种孤独感爬上我的心头 A lonely feeling crept upon ...
  4. 一种新药医好了她的病 She was cured with a new med...
  5. 一种熟练的技能 a practised skill
  6. 一秘 First SecretaryⅣ secretly
  7. 一程 a short distance
  8. 一穷二白 poor and blank White
  9. 一窍不通 be utterly ignorant of
  10. 一窝 a nestful
  11. 一窝匪徒 a nest of brigands
  12. 一窝小猫 a litter of little cats
  13. 一窝小鸡 a brood of chickens
  14. 一窝毒蛇 a nest of vipers
  15. 一窝蜂 like a swarm of bees
  16. 一窝风吹 dismiss altogether
  17. 一窥全豹 see the whole picture
  18. 一立方土 one cubic metre of earth
  19. 一立方木材 one stere of wood
  20. 一竟全功 bring work to completion
  21. 一竟始终 stick to sth. to the very en...
  22. 一端 one respect
  23. 一竿到底 thrust the bamboo rod to the...
  24. 一竿子插到底 carry right down to the gras...
  25. 一笑了之 laugh out of court
  26. 一笑作答 answer only by a smile
  27. 一笑倾城 A single smile would overthr...
  28. 一笑千金 an enchanting smile
  29. 一笑置之 laugh out of court
  30. 一笑而去 leave with a smile
  31. 一笑顿释 bring sb. round with a laugh
  32. 一笔勾销 write off at one stroke
  33. 一笔巨款 a colossal sum of money
  34. 一笔抹杀 write off at one stroke
  35. 一笔抹煞 deny completely
  36. 一笔款 a fund
  37. 一等 first-class
  38. 一等兵 Private First Class military...
  39. 一等品 first-rate product
  40. 一等奖 the first award
  41. 一等奖授给了最年轻的比赛者 The first prize was awarded ...
  42. 一等水准 first order levelling
  43. 一等秘书 First Secretary
  44. 一等翻译 top-notch interpreter
  45. 一等行星 primary planet
  46. 一筹莫展 be without resources or expe...
  47. 一管牙膏 a tube of toothpaste
  48. 一箭中鹄 shoot and hit with the first...
  49. 一箭之地 a stone's throw
  50. 一箭之遥 within a stone's throw

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