1. 有待纠正 subject to correction
  2. 有待解决 remain to be solved
  3. 有待证实 remain to be confirmed
  4. 有待证明 have yet to be proved
  5. 有待进一步讨论 pending further discussion
  6. 有很多反复和曲折 full of reversals and zigzag...
  7. 有很大潜力 have great potentialities
  8. 有得 what one has learned from wo...
  9. 有德无过 be virtuous and without faul...
  10. 有心 have a mind to
  11. 有心人 one who sets his mind on doi...
  12. 有心情 in the vein
  13. 有心无力 having a heart but no streng...
  14. 有必要 oblige
  15. 有必要核对一下这些数字的精确性 There is need to check the a...
  16. 有必要进行紧缩 Retrenchment will be necessa...
  17. 有志不在年高 given a wish to do sth. grea...
  18. 有志之士 a person of noble aspiration...
  19. 有志气 have high aspirations
  20. 有志者事竟成 Where there's a will there's...
  21. 有思想准备 be mentally prepared
  22. 有急务在身 have some urgent task on han...
  23. 有性 sexuality
  24. 有性杂交 sexual hybridization
  25. 有性生殖 sexual reproduction
  26. 有性繁殖 generative propagation
  27. 有恃无恐 with someone at his back,he ...
  28. 有恒 persevering
  29. 有恒产 have land and property
  30. 有恒心就能胜利 Perseverance leads to succes...
  31. 有恒心的人 a person of perseverance
  32. 有恩待报 owe sb. a debt of gratitude
  33. 有息贷款 lend money at interest
  34. 有情人终成眷属 The lovers finally got marri...
  35. 有情有义 having affection and faith
  36. 有惊无险 be more scared than hurt
  37. 有意 have a mind to
  38. 有意刁难 make things difficult for sb...
  39. 有意帮忙 be inclined to help intentio...
  40. 有意影射某人 make pointed allusions to sb...
  41. 有意思 significant
  42. 有意抽样 purposive sampling
  43. 有意无意 do sth. naturally or half un...
  44. 有意欺骗 being calculated to deceive
  45. 有意歪曲 deliberately distort
  46. 有意的侮辱 calculated insult
  47. 有意的欺骗 actual fraud
  48. 有意行为 intentional act
  49. 有意褒贬 spread gossip with malicious...
  50. 有意见尽管提好了 Don't hesitate to make comme...

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