1. 适合 rightness
  2. 适合办商业网点的地点 suitable location for a shop
  3. 适合时宜 suited to the times
  4. 适奉大札 I have just received your es...
  5. 适宜 suitable
  6. 适应 suit
  7. 适应不良 maladjustment
  8. 适应亮度 adaptation brightness
  9. 适应值 adaptive value
  10. 适应分化 kladogenesis
  11. 适应功能 adaptive functions
  12. 适应变异 adequate variation
  13. 适应型 ecad
  14. 适应性 adaptability
  15. 适应性训练 acclimatization training
  16. 适应新环境 find one's feet
  17. 适应气候 acclimatization
  18. 适应现象 adaptation
  19. 适应症 indication
  20. 适应社会需要 fit in with the needs of the...
  21. 适应类型 adaptive form
  22. 适应耐受性 adaptation tolerance
  23. 适应能力 adaptation
  24. 适应范围 accommodation
  25. 适应过程 procedure of adaptation
  26. 适应进化 adaptive evolution
  27. 适应酶 adaptive enzyme
  28. 适度 appropriate
  29. 适度人口 optimum population
  30. 适度地增加投资和提高消费水平对启动市场将起积极作用 A moderate increase in both ...
  31. 适度规模经营 be managed on a fairly large...
  32. 适当 suitable
  33. 适当处罚 proper punishment
  34. 适当安置 proper arrangement
  35. 适当平均 fair average
  36. 适当措施 adequate measures
  37. 适当比例 proper proportion
  38. 适当用法 directione propria
  39. 适当的场合 suitable occasion
  40. 适当的增长率 proper growth rate
  41. 适当的安排 proper arrangement
  42. 适当的权限 due authority
  43. 适当聚焦 adequate focusing
  44. 适当规模集成电路 right scale integrated circu...
  45. 适得其反 get just the opposite rebell...
  46. 适得其所 be well suited with one's pl...
  47. 适意 agreeable
  48. 适才 just now
  49. 适旱变态 xeromorphosis
  50. 适旱性 xerophily

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