1. 容积测量 volumetric measurement
  2. 容积表 strapping table
  3. 容积计 volumeter
  4. 容纳 hold
  5. 容纳量 saturation
  6. 容膝之地 a place just big enough to g...
  7. 容色 countenance
  8. 容许 tolerate
  9. 容许值 admissible value
  10. 容许功率 allowable power
  11. 容许反应 homologation reaction
  12. 容许差 allowance
  13. 容许度 permission
  14. 容许故障率 acceptable malfunction rate
  15. 容许极限 tolerance
  16. 容许电流 allowable current
  17. 容许荷载 allowable load
  18. 容许误差 allowable error
  19. 容许负荷 the permissible load
  20. 容许负荷量 carrying capacity
  21. 容许负载 allowable load
  22. 容许负载电流 safe carrying current
  23. 容许负载量 safe carrying capacity
  24. 容许阻力 allowable resistance
  25. 容许限度 allowable limit
  26. 容貌 appearance
  27. 容貌秀丽 be of charming appearance --...
  28. 容貌端庄 decorous in appearance
  29. 容貌端正 have proper facial features
  30. 容质俱美 Both the looks and the dispo...
  31. 容身 shelter oneself
  32. 容身之地 a place to stay
  33. 容身无地 no place to set oneself in
  34. 容重 unit weight
  35. 容量 capacity of container
  36. 容闳 Rong Hong
  37. 容陈管见 let me state my humble opini...
  38. 容限 tolerance
  39. 容限分析 tolerance analysis
  40. 容颜 appearance
  41. 容颜不老 agerasia
  42. 容颜失色 change of color because of f...
  43. 容颜如玉 A face is as beautiful as a ...
  44. 容颜憔悴 a melancholy appearance
  45. 容颜衰老 lose one's looks
  46. wide
  47. 宽严并举 temper justice with mercy
  48. 宽以待人 be broad-minded toward other...
  49. 宽以律人 treat others liberally
  50. 宽以济猛 temper justice with mercy

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