1. 起晕 bloom
  2. 起晕试验 discharge inception test
  3. 起期 attachment of interest
  4. 起来 stand up
  5. 起来反抗压迫 rise against oppression
  6. 起来吃药吧 Sit up and have your medicin...
  7. 起来把帽子拾起来 pick up the hat
  8. 起来进行武装斗争 up in arms armed forces
  9. 起根 always
  10. 起桥梁作用 play the role of a bridge
  11. 起止 start-stop
  12. 起止式解调 start-stop restitution
  13. 起止点 terminal
  14. 起止系统 start-stop system
  15. 起步 starting
  16. 起死回生 bring the dying back to life...
  17. 起毛 fluff
  18. 起沫 foam
  19. 起沫剂 frothing agent
  20. 起沫啤酒 foaming beer
  21. 起沫的啤酒 foaming beer
  22. 起油 remove grease stains appear
  23. 起泡 blister
  24. 起泡剂 blowing agent
  25. 起泡度 foaminess
  26. 起火 fire breaking out
  27. 起灵 move sb.'s coffin or ashes t...
  28. 起点 origin
  29. 起点级 zero level
  30. 起点读数 zero reading
  31. 起点运费 minimum freight
  32. 起熏陶作用 exert an edifying influence ...
  33. 起爆 detonate
  34. 起瓶塞 pull the cork from a bottle
  35. 起用 reinstate a retired or dismi...
  36. 起用心腹 fill key posts with one's co...
  37. 起电 charge
  38. 起电器 electrifier
  39. 起电盘 electrophorus
  40. 起疑 suspect
  41. 起疑心 become suspicious
  42. 起痂 blind scab
  43. 起眼儿 attracting attention
  44. 起着泡沫注入桶中的牛奶 milk foaming into the pails
  45. 起码 minimum
  46. 起码利润 threshold returns
  47. 起码的准则 rudimentary principles
  48. 起码的常识 elementary common sense
  49. 起码的生活必需品 the bare necessities of life...
  50. 起码的知识 rudimentary knowledge

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