1. 幻术 magic
  2. 幻梦 illusion
  3. 幻梦一场 be an idle dream
  4. 幻灭 vanish into thin air
  5. 幻灯 slide show
  6. 幻灯放映 diaprojection
  7. 幻灯放映机 slide projector
  8. 幻灯机 optical lantern
  9. 幻灯片 filmslide
  10. 幻灯盒 slide magazine
  11. 幻肢 phantom limb
  12. 幻视 photis
  13. 幻视像 pseudoscopic image
  14. 幻视术 pseudoscopy
  15. 幻视镜 pseudoscope
  16. 幻视镜映像 pseudoscopy
  17. 幻觉 megrim
  18. young
  19. 幼体 the young
  20. 幼儿 child
  21. 幼儿保健工作 child care
  22. 幼儿保健诊所 well-child clinic
  23. 幼儿园 kindergarten
  24. 幼儿师范学校 school for kindergarten teac...
  25. 幼儿急疹 exanthem subitum
  26. 幼儿教育 preschool education
  27. 幼儿期 infancy
  28. 幼儿腹泻 infantile diarrhea
  29. 幼功 skill obtained during the ch...
  30. 幼吾幼以及人之幼 take care of one's own child...
  31. 幼子 the youngest son
  32. 幼学壮行 learn while young and practi...
  33. 幼小 immature
  34. 幼年 childhood
  35. 幼年丧母 lost one's mother in early c...
  36. 幼年土 young soil
  37. 幼树 treelet
  38. 幼树丛 spring wood
  39. 幼株 shoot
  40. 幼狮 lionet
  41. 幼畜 young animal
  42. 幼稚 young childish
  43. 幼稚可笑 be childish and ignorant
  44. 幼稚无知 be young and ignorant
  45. 幼稚病 infantilism
  46. 幼稚的想法 naive ideas
  47. 幼芽 budlet
  48. 幼苗 young sprout the young of so...
  49. 幼虫 larva
  50. 幼虫龄 larval instar

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