1. 追悼 mourn over a person's death
  2. 追悼会 memorial meeting
  3. 追悼会会场庄严肃穆 The mourning hall was filled...
  4. 追悼烈士 give a memorial service to a...
  5. 追想 recall
  6. 追捕 pursue and capture
  7. 追授 poshumously awarded
  8. 追撞 overtaking collision
  9. 追播 reseeding
  10. 追新求异 be on the lookout for what i...
  11. 追时髦 follow the fashion
  12. 追昔 recall the past
  13. 追星 nuptial tuberdes
  14. 追本溯源 track down the origin
  15. 追本穷源 trace back to the sources
  16. 追查 investigate
  17. 追查事故原因 investigate the causes of an...
  18. 追查线索 follow up a clue
  19. 追查谣言 trace a rumour to its source
  20. 追查责任 find out where the responsib...
  21. 追根 get to the bottom of sth.
  22. 追根寻源 trace to its source basis
  23. 追根求源 go to the root of...
  24. 追根溯源 find by hard and thorough se...
  25. 追根究底 go into the whys and wherefo...
  26. 追根问底 raise one question after ano...
  27. 追求 seek
  28. 追求产量 devote exclusive attention t...
  29. 追求享乐的人 pleasure-seeker
  30. 追求享乐者 butterfly
  31. 追求利润 profit-push
  32. 追求名利 court fame and fortune
  33. 追求名誉地位 seek after fame and position
  34. 追求和平 follow after peace
  35. 追求幸福 seek happiness
  36. 追求时髦的人 clotheshorse
  37. 追求真理 seek truth
  38. 追求知识 aspire after knowledge woo
  39. 追求私利的人 self-seeker
  40. 追求自己的目标 pursue one's own end
  41. 追溯 retrospect
  42. 追溯一个词在词义上的演变 trace the sense development ...
  43. 追溯既往 run back over the past
  44. 追究 look into
  45. 追究事故的责任 investigate and affix the re...
  46. 追究刑事责任 give criminal sanctions
  47. 追究祸源 investigate the origin of th...
  48. 追究责任 ascertain where the responsi...
  49. 追索 search for press for payment
  50. 追索权 recourse

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