1. 迹视线 trail sight
  2. 迹象 sign
  3. 迹近剽窃 an act verging on plagiarism
  4. 迹隙 trace gap
  5. 迻同 "移"
  6. 迻录 write down
  7. 迻译 translate
  8. chase after
  9. 追偿损失 recovery of loss
  10. 追光 follow spot
  11. 追出谣言的根源 trace a rumour to its source...
  12. 追击 pursue and attack
  13. 追击战 warfare of pursuit and attac...
  14. 追击敌人 pursue and attack the enemy
  15. 追击部队 pursuit troops
  16. 追剿 pursue and wipe out
  17. 追剿队 pursuit detachment
  18. 追加 add to
  19. 追加付款 additional payment
  20. 追加保证金 remargin
  21. 追加保险费 additional premium
  22. 追加关税 additional duty
  23. 追加所得税 supplementary income tax
  24. 追加拨款 supplementary appropriations
  25. 追加支出 supplementary expenditure
  26. 追加条款 rider
  27. 追加税 additional tax
  28. 追加订单 additional order
  29. 追加贷款 complementary financial faci...
  30. 追加费用 additional expense
  31. 追加预算 supplement a budget
  32. 追叙 tell about the past
  33. 追古怀旧 be redolent of the past
  34. 追名求誉 chase for fame and honour
  35. 追名逐利 seek fame and wealth
  36. 追喜 Zhui Xi
  37. 追回 recover
  38. 追回全部款项 recover funds in full
  39. 追回款 recoveries
  40. 追回赃款 recover stolen money
  41. 追回赃物 recover stolen property
  42. 追奔逐北 pursue and attack the defeat...
  43. 追寻 pursue
  44. 追忆 recall
  45. 追怀 reminiscence
  46. 追怀故旧 bring old acquaintances to m...
  47. 追思 think back
  48. 追悔 repent
  49. 追悔往事 repent of the past
  50. 追悔莫及 too late to repent

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