1. 走私夹带 smuggle goods into...
  2. 走私案件 smuggling case
  3. 走私漏税 bootlegging
  4. 走私犯 owler
  5. 走私罪 offense of smuggling
  6. 走私者 smuggler
  7. 走私船 runner
  8. 走私行为 smuggling behavior
  9. 走私货物 smuggled goods
  10. 走私贸易 smuggling trade
  11. 走私集团 smuggling ring
  12. 走私麻醉剂 smuggle narcotics
  13. 走笔 write rapidly
  14. 走笔如飞 rotate the pen like flying -...
  15. 走笔成章 write quickly and skilfully
  16. 走笔疾书 write swiftly
  17. 走笔龙蛇 write in a swift curling sty...
  18. 走红 be in favour
  19. 走红运 have good luck
  20. 走经济发展的新路子 adopt a new approach to econ...
  21. 走绳 ropedancing
  22. 走群众路线 follow the mass line
  23. 走老路 follow the beaten track
  24. 走自己的路 go one's own way
  25. 走色 lose colour
  26. 走访 interview
  27. 走访不遇为怅 Sorry not to have found you ...
  28. 走读 attend a day school
  29. 走读学校 day school
  30. 走读生 day student
  31. 走调儿 out of tune
  32. 走起路来摇摇晃晃 walk with faltering steps
  33. 走路 walk
  34. 走过一条崎岖难行的道路 traverse a rough and difficu...
  35. 走过地道 pass through a tunnel
  36. 走过场 do sth. as a mere formality
  37. 走过树林 walk past the wood
  38. 走运 be in luck
  39. 走近路 take a shortcut
  40. 走进来 walk in
  41. 走进走出 go in and out
  42. 走遍天下 travel all over the world
  43. 走道 pavement
  44. 走邪道 lead a depraved life
  45. 走钢丝 walk the wire
  46. 走错一步路 make a wrong move
  47. 走错一着 make a false move
  48. 走镖 serve as a bodyguard on a jo...
  49. 走集体化的道路 follow the road of collectiv...
  50. 走风 let out a secret

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