1. 一朝覆亡 collapse in one short day on...
  2. 一期梅毒 primary syphilis
  3. 一木难支 A single post cannot bear th...
  4. 一本 a copy
  5. 一本万利 gain ten thousand percent
  6. 一本三百页的书 a book of three hundred page...
  7. 一本书 a book
  8. 一本参考书 a book of reference
  9. 一本有趣的故事书 an interesting storybook
  10. 一本枯燥无味的书 a dull volume
  11. 一本正经 be poker-faced
  12. 一本烂帐 a messy account
  13. 一本用血泪写成的家史 a family history written in ...
  14. 一本短少两页的书 a book with two pages missin...
  15. 一本被翻得很烂的旧书 a well-thumbed book books by...
  16. 一本装帧精美的相册 a beautifully designed and b...
  17. 一本重要的书 a momentous volume
  18. 一本雅俗共赏的新书 a new book for all tastes
  19. 一朵 a
  20. 一朵乌云从天上掠过 A dark cloud passed over the...
  21. 一朵艺术上的奇葩 a wonderful work of art
  22. 一朵鲜花做不成花环 One flower makes no garland.
  23. 一朵鲜花插在牛粪上 a fresh flower on a heap of ...
  24. 一杆枪 a rifle
  25. 一杆秤 a steelyard
  26. 一束 a bunch
  27. 一束稻草 a sheaf of straw
  28. 一束美丽的黄玫瑰 a beautiful bunch of yellow ...
  29. 一束鲜花 a bunch of flowers
  30. 一条 a
  31. 一条人命 a life
  32. 一条儿香烟 a carton of cigarettes
  33. 一条大河挡住了去路 A big river blocks the way.
  34. 一条好嗓子 a good voice
  35. 一条宽阔平坦的公路 a broad smooth highway
  36. 一条小溪从房子旁边流过 A stream flows past the hous...
  37. 一条小溪在岩石间奔流而下 A small stream ran down amon...
  38. 一条巧克力 a bar of chocolate
  39. 一条弯曲的山间小道 a winding mountain path
  40. 一条心 be of one mind
  41. 一条支流 a tributary minor aspects
  42. 一条新闻 a piece of news
  43. 一条曲折的道路 a twisty road
  44. 一条河的源头 the source of a river
  45. 一条砖铺的小路 a path paved with bricks
  46. 一条穿越安第斯山脉的山路 a road over the Andes
  47. 一条线 a piece of thread
  48. 一条线拴俩蚂蚱 One string ties two locusts.
  49. 一条肥皂 a bar of soap
  50. 一条蛇 a snake

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