1. 反动势力 reactionary forces
  2. 反动影片 reactionary film
  3. 反动本质 reactionary nature
  4. 反动没落阶级 declining reactionary class
  5. 反动派 reactionaries
  6. 反动派决不会自行退出历史舞台 The reactionaries will never...
  7. 反动派必定失败 Reactionaries are bound to f...
  8. 反动派的倒行逆施从反面教育了人民 The perverse acts of the rea...
  9. 反动派的血腥统治 sanguinary rule of the react...
  10. 反动观点 reactionary viewpoint
  11. 反动透顶 ultra-reactionary reaction
  12. 反动道门 reactionary illegal religiou...
  13. 反动阶级 reactionary class
  14. 反反复复 like the burden of a song
  15. 反变 contravariant
  16. 反叛 rebel
  17. 反叛政府 rebel against the government
  18. 反叛者 rebel
  19. 反口相诘 ask in retort
  20. 反古 return to ancient ideas or c...
  21. 反右倾 struggle against Right devia...
  22. 反右派斗争 the Anti-Rightist struggle
  23. 反号 reverse sign
  24. 反向 opposite direction
  25. 反向波 backward wave
  26. 反向电流 back current
  27. 反咬一口 make false countercharges
  28. 反响 repercussion
  29. 反唇相稽 turn against another in mutu...
  30. 反唇相讥 answer back sarcastically
  31. 反噬 trump up a countercharge aga...
  32. 反回 backspace
  33. 反围剿 combat "encirclement and sup...
  34. 反坐 sentence the accuser to the ...
  35. 反坦克 antitank
  36. 反坦克地雷 anti-tank mine
  37. 反复 repeatedly
  38. 反复不定 changeable
  39. 反复吟味 recite again and again in ap...
  40. 反复思考 think and think
  41. 反复无信 be unreliable
  42. 反复无常 play fast and loose
  43. 反复无常天气 fickle weather
  44. 反复无常的人 inconstant sort of fellow
  45. 反复无常的情绪 fickle moods
  46. 反复细读 read... through and through
  47. 反复解释 explain over and over again
  48. 反复较量 repeated trial of strength
  49. 反复辟 anti-restortion
  50. 反守为攻 turn the tables on the attac...

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