1. 风向 wind direction
  2. 风吹叶落 The wind blows and the leave...
  3. 风吹得尘土飞扬 The dust was blown about by ...
  4. 风吹来了青草和野花的清香 The winds came down with the...
  5. 风吹枝曳 When the wind blows,the bran...
  6. 风吹树叶沙沙作响 The leaves rustled in the wi...
  7. 风吹树叶簌簌响 The leaves are rustling in t...
  8. 风吹浪打 be beaten by wind and waves
  9. 风吹浪打不动摇 never waver in the storm and...
  10. 风吹窗户格格发响 The windows were rattling in...
  11. 风吹草伏 The grass bends low in a puf...
  12. 风吹草动 Wind sways grass.
  13. 风吹过树林 The wind blew through the fo...
  14. 风吹雨打 The wind blows and the rain ...
  15. 风吼雪舞 The howling wind whirls snow...
  16. 风味 special flavour
  17. 风味小吃 local flavour snacks
  18. 风味菜 typical local dish
  19. 风和日丽 The wind is mild and the sun...
  20. 风和日暖 The winds blow gently and th...
  21. 风啸浪涌 The wind howls,waves wildly ...
  22. 风嘴 tuyere
  23. 风嚎海啸 The wind howls,the sea roars...
  24. 风土 natural conditions and socia...
  25. 风土人情 local customs and practices
  26. 风土医学 geomedicine
  27. 风土性 endemicity
  28. 风土病理学 geopathology
  29. 风土驯化 acclimatization
  30. 风在呜咽 The wind sobs.
  31. 风在林间怒号 The wind howled through the ...
  32. 风墙阵马 like the sails blown by the ...
  33. 风声 sound of the wind rumour
  34. 风声凄厉 with the wind moaning
  35. 风声如吼 The wind blows hard,making a...
  36. 风声很紧 The situation is getting ten...
  37. 风声紧 Things are tense.
  38. 风声鹤唳 the sound of the wind and th...
  39. 风大浪急 Waves whipped up by the wind...
  40. 风大雨狂 The wind is high and the rai...
  41. 风头 the way the wind blows
  42. 风头主义 striving for the limelight
  43. 风头十足 One's show is at its height.
  44. 风姿 graceful bearing
  45. 风姿婀娜 graceful manner
  46. 风姿绰约 charming appearance and pers...
  47. 风害 damage caused by a windstorm
  48. 风寒 wind chill
  49. 风小些了 The wind has dropped a littl...
  50. 风尘 travel fatigue

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