1. 赤裸裸的强盗行径 plain robbery
  2. 赤诚 absolute sincerity
  3. 赤诚待人 treat people with absolute s...
  4. 赤贫 in abject poverty
  5. 赤贫如洗 as poor as if everything had...
  6. 赤贫状态 adject poverty
  7. 赤足 with bared feet
  8. 赤身搜查 skin-search
  9. 赤身露体 naked
  10. 赤道 the equator
  11. 赤道几内亚 Equatorial Guinea
  12. 赤道几内亚人 Equatorial Guinean
  13. 赤道气候 equatorial climate
  14. 赤金 pure gold
  15. 赤露 bare
  16. 赤露着胸口 with bared chest
  17. 赤龙 tongue menstruation
  18. remit
  19. 赦事诛意 excuse the act,but not the m...
  20. 赦于启齿 feel shy to speak
  21. 赦令 decree for pardon
  22. 赦免 remit
  23. 赦免刑罚 remit a punishment
  24. 赦免权 power of absolution
  25. 赦撅 She Jue
  26. 赦罪 absolve sb. from guilt
  27. blushing
  28. 赧然 blushing
  29. 赧红 rubedo
  30. 赧颜 blush
  31. 赧颜抱惭 be ashamed
  32. 赧颜汗下 be so ashamed that one flush...
  33. 赧颜赤颈 blush down to one's neck
  34. red
  35. red
  36. 赫兹 hertz
  37. 赫兹波 Hertz wave
  38. 赫哲族 the Hezhen nationality,livin...
  39. 赫形 conspicuous
  40. 赫瀛 He Ying
  41. 赫然 impressively
  42. 赫然震怒 get into a terrible temper
  43. 赫胥 a surname
  44. 赫胥静 Hexu Jing
  45. 赫赫 illustrious
  46. 赫赫声望 enormous popularity
  47. 赫赫战功 illustrious military exploit...
  48. 赫赫有名 having a great reputation
  49. 赫赫有名的人物 an illustrious personage
  50. 赫鲁晓夫主义 Khrushchovism

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