1. 宣告 declare
  2. 宣告为不合法 outlaw
  3. 宣告合同无效 declare the contract avoided
  4. 宣告失踪 declaration of disappearance
  5. 宣告成立 proclaim the founding of
  6. 宣告无效 declare sth. null and void
  7. 宣告无罪 acquit
  8. 宣告有罪 condemn
  9. 宣告破产 declare bankruptcy
  10. 宣布 declare
  11. 宣布一件事 make an announcement
  12. 宣布中止 denounce
  13. 宣布为合法 legitimate
  14. 宣布为非法 illegitimate
  15. 宣布会议开始 declare a meeting open
  16. 宣布会议结束 declare the meeting closed
  17. 宣布作废 declare invalid
  18. 宣布决定无效 declare decision invalid
  19. 宣布契约作废 declare off an engagement
  20. 宣布戒严 proclaim martial law
  21. 宣布投票结束 declare the ballot closed
  22. 宣布散会 declare the meeting over
  23. 宣布无效 declare sth. invalid
  24. 宣布某人有罪 declare sb. guilty
  25. 宣布独立 proclaim independence
  26. 宣布给某人平反 announce sb.'s rehabilitatio...
  27. 宣布表决结束 declare the vote closed
  28. 宣布赦免 announce amnesty
  29. 宣布选举无效 nullify an election
  30. 宣战 declare war
  31. 宣战书 declaration of war
  32. 宣扬 publicize
  33. 宣扬好人好事 give publicity to good peopl...
  34. 宣教 propaganda and education
  35. 宣旨 announce an imperial decree ...
  36. 宣明 Xuan Ming
  37. 宣泄 lead off
  38. 宣泄洪水 drain off floodwater
  39. 宣示 declare
  40. 宣称 assert
  41. 宣称自己是无辜的 asseverate one's innocence
  42. 宣纸 rice paper
  43. 宣纸树 rice-paper tree
  44. 宣言 declaration
  45. 宣言草案 draft declaration
  46. 宣誓 take an oath
  47. 宣誓作证 depose
  48. 宣誓就职 take the oath of office
  49. 宣讲 explain and publicize
  50. 宣讲会 teach-in

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