1. turn round and look at
  2. 顾三不顾四 in a thoughtless way
  3. 顾不过来 have no time to consider
  4. 顾主 customer
  5. 顾全 show consideration for and t...
  6. 顾全名誉 take into consideration one'...
  7. 顾全大局 take the whole situation int...
  8. 顾全面子 save one's face
  9. 顾全颜面 save face
  10. 顾前不顾后 drive ahead without consider...
  11. 顾前忘后 be careful at the beginning,...
  12. 顾前顾后 examine what is coming and t...
  13. 顾及 take into account
  14. 顾名思义 seeing the name of a thing o...
  15. 顾复之恩 the kindness of caring for -...
  16. 顾客 customer
  17. 顾客服务台 a customer service desk
  18. 顾客盈门 do a land-office business
  19. 顾客至上 customers highest
  20. 顾小失大 neglect the large problem fo...
  21. 顾左右而言他 look the other way
  22. 顾影自怜 look at one's image in the m...
  23. 顾忌 stick
  24. 顾惜 take good care of
  25. 顾惜劳动力 be sparing of labour power
  26. 顾指之间 the moment of glancing back ...
  27. 顾曲周郎 a music connoisseur
  28. 顾此失彼 care for this and lose that
  29. 顾炎武 Gu Yanwu
  30. 顾盼 look around
  31. 顾盼生姿 look around charmingly
  32. 顾盼神飞 a look of quick intelligence...
  33. 顾盼自如 gaze round as one wishes -- ...
  34. 顾盼自雄 look about complacently
  35. 顾虑 misgiving
  36. 顾虑周详 consider sth. down to the mi...
  37. 顾虑重重 full of misgiving
  38. 顾问 adviser
  39. 顾问团 advisory group
  40. 顾问处 an advisory office
  41. 顾问委员会 consultative committee
  42. 顾问班子 council
  43. 顾面子 save face
  44. a word used in a person's na...
  45. 顿光 occulting light
  46. 顿号 a slight-pause mark used to ...
  47. 顿咳 pertussis
  48. 顿开茅塞 suddenly to see the light
  49. 顿悟 suddenly realize the truth,e...
  50. 顿悟前非 suddenly recalled to mind a ...

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