1. 傲然 loftily
  2. 傲然屹立 stand towering proudly above...
  3. 傲然挺立 stand proudly
  4. 傲然挺立的山峰 a mountain peak towering pro...
  5. 傲睨 look down upon
  6. 傲睨一世 insolent
  7. 傲睨自若 look about haughtily and imp...
  8. 傲视 turn up one's nose at
  9. 傲贤慢士 treat talented men arrogantl...
  10. 傲霜之枝 branches that have withstood...
  11. 傲骨 lofty and unyielding charact...
  12. 傲骨嶙峋 of a proud and lonely nature
  13. 傺见 "诧傺".
  14. stupid
  15. 傻丫头 minx
  16. 傻劲儿 foolishness
  17. 傻呵呵 simpleminded
  18. 傻头傻脑 clumsy and stupid
  19. 傻子 fool
  20. 傻气 foolishness
  21. 傻瓜 fool
  22. 傻眼 be dumbfounded
  23. 傻笑 laugh foolishly
  24. 傻里傻气 soft in the head
  25. a surname
  26. 傼阳 Han Yang
  27. a surname
  28. 傿诚 Yan Cheng
  29. nimble
  30. insult
  31. 働见 "劳働"
  32. likeness
  33. 像一把尖刀插入敌人心脏 like a dagger stuck into the...
  34. 像个泄了气的皮球 like a deflated rubber ball
  35. 像刺刀一样的尖锐 as keen as razors penetratin...
  36. 像剃刀一样锋利 as keen as razors incisive
  37. 像小羊一般温顺 as meek as a lamb
  38. 像差 aberration
  39. 像打闪那样一亮 flash like a lightning
  40. 像散 astigmatism
  41. 像散透镜 astigmatic lens
  42. 像散镜 astigmatoscope
  43. 像是有人在敲门 It sounds like sb.'s knockin...
  44. 像木偶似地站着 stand as still as a carved f...
  45. 像样 up to the mark
  46. 像气泡一样化为乌有 vanish like a bubble
  47. 像水晶一样明澈 as clear as crystal
  48. 像煞有介事 make a great show of being e...
  49. 像猴子一样淘气 as mischievous as a monkey
  50. 像章 badge with sb.'s likeness on...

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