1. 额角 frontal angle
  2. 额角冒汗 Beads of sweat stood out on ...
  3. 颞叶 temporal lobe
  4. 颞回 temporal convolution
  5. 颞支 rami temporales
  6. 颞窝 temporal fossa
  7. 颞肌 temporalis
  8. 颞脊 temporal ridge
  9. 颞颥 haffet
  10. 颞骨 temporal bone
  11. 颟里颟顸 stupid and confused
  12. 颟顸 muddleheaded and careless
  13. 颟顸无能 lack common sense and compet...
  14. jolt
  15. 颠三倒四 incoherent
  16. 颠倒 put upside down
  17. 颠倒乾坤 reverse heaven and earth
  18. 颠倒事实 stand facts on their heads
  19. 颠倒是非 confuse truth and falsehood
  20. 颠倒次数 number of reversals
  21. 颠倒温度表 reversing thermometer
  22. 颠倒错乱 topsy-turvy
  23. 颠倒黑白 call white black and black w...
  24. 颠凤倒鸾 join in the wanton frolics o...
  25. 颠动 porpoising
  26. 颠扑不破 be able to withstand heavy b...
  27. 颠扑不破的真理 irrefutable truth
  28. 颠换 traser
  29. 颠末不分 unable to distinguish betwee...
  30. 颠来倒去 over and over
  31. 颠沛 be in destitution
  32. 颠沛流离 wander from place to place,e...
  33. 颠簸 jolt
  34. 颠簸性 bumpiness
  35. 颠簸气流 bumpiness
  36. 颠簸空气 bumpy air
  37. 颠簸试验 bump test
  38. 颠簸运动 balleting
  39. 颠茄 Atropa belladonna
  40. 颠茄宁 belladonnine
  41. 颠茄果 poison black cherry
  42. 颠茄根 radix belladonnae
  43. 颠茄碱 atropina
  44. 颠茄酊 belladonna tincture
  45. 颠覆 overturn
  46. 颠覆与反颠覆 subversion and anti-subversi...
  47. 颠覆力矩 disturbing moment
  48. 颠覆政府罪 subversion of the government
  49. 颠覆活动 subversive activities
  50. 颠覆破坏 subvert and sabotage

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