1. 停留片刻 stop for a minute
  2. 停笔凝思 stop writing to think
  3. 停职 suspension
  4. 停职停薪 suspend sb. from duties and ...
  5. 停职反省 be relieved of one's duties ...
  6. 停职检查 stop work and make a self-cr...
  7. 停航 suspend air or shipping serv...
  8. 停船下碇 come to an anchor
  9. 停蓄湖 standing lake
  10. 停薪留职 stop payment of sb.'s salary...
  11. 停表 stop-watch
  12. 停订 discontinue
  13. 停课 suspend classes
  14. 停车 stop
  15. 停车位置 on-position
  16. 停车保养 shut-down maintenance
  17. 停车信号灯 dimmer
  18. 停车场 parking lot
  19. 停车处 parking place
  20. 停车收费计 waiting meter
  21. 停车标志 parking sign
  22. 停车规则 parking ordinance
  23. 停辛伫苦 have experienced all hardshi...
  24. 停运 off-stream
  25. 停酒止乐 stop the wine and the music
  26. 停闭 close out
  27. 停靠 calling
  28. 停靠港 port of call
  29. 停靠站 stop station
  30. 停顿 stop
  31. 停顿不前 at a dead end
  32. 停风 blowing-out
  33. 停飞 grounding of aircraft
  34. stupid
  35. healthy
  36. 健儿 valiant fighter good athlete
  37. 健全 sound
  38. 健全合理的规章制度 amplify necessary rules and ...
  39. 健全民主集中制 strengthen democratic centra...
  40. 健全法制 perfect legal system
  41. 健全的生产方法 a perfect method of producti...
  42. 健全的视力 a sane vision
  43. 健全的身心 a sound body and mind
  44. 健全管理制度 improve the management syste...
  45. 健在 be still living and in good ...
  46. 健壮 healthy and strong
  47. 健壮性 robustness
  48. 健壮的身躯 a sound body
  49. 健将 master sportsman
  50. 健康 health

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