1. 性善论 theory of original goodness ...
  2. 性如烈火 have a very violent temper
  3. 性子 temper
  4. 性子躁 quick-tempered
  5. 性康 Xing Kang
  6. 性征 sex character
  7. 性征色 sexual colouration
  8. 性急 impatient
  9. 性情 disposition
  10. 性情乖戾 be sullen in nature
  11. 性情变易 paraphronia
  12. 性情孤僻 of an uncommunicative and ec...
  13. 性情平和 be of gentle disposition
  14. 性情平和的妻子 an even-tempered wife
  15. 性情开朗 of a sanguine disposition
  16. 性情怪僻 eccentric
  17. 性情暴烈 have a fiery temper
  18. 性情暴躁 have an irascible temperamen...
  19. 性情柔顺 be of a yielding disposition
  20. 性情活泼的年轻人 a young man of buoyant dispo...
  21. 性情温和 a gentle disposition
  22. 性情温柔 have a gentle disposition
  23. 性感 sexuality
  24. 性成熟 sexually mature
  25. 性成熟期 sexual maturity stage
  26. 性教育 sex education gender
  27. 性早熟 pubertas praecox
  28. 性本能 eros
  29. 性染色体 allosome
  30. 性染色体遗传 allosomal inheritance
  31. 性格 nature
  32. 性格不合 incompatibility of temperame...
  33. 性格分析 the analysis of character
  34. 性格喜剧 comedy of character
  35. 性格开朗 open and frank disposition
  36. 性格暴躁的人 person with a violent temper
  37. 性格的形成 the formation of character
  38. 性格直爽 forthright in character
  39. 性欲 sexuality
  40. 性残善疑 be suspicious and cruel
  41. 性比率 sex ratio
  42. 性激素 sex hormone
  43. 性灵 spirit
  44. 性烈如火 a passion like fierce fire
  45. 性犯罪 crime passioel
  46. 性状 shape and properties
  47. 性病 venereal disease
  48. 性病医院 a lock hospital
  49. 性知识 sexual knowledge
  50. 性能 function

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