1. 急得抓心挠肝 be kept on the anxious seat
  2. 急得生病 fall ill of anxiety
  3. 急得直发火 be provoked to anger
  4. 急得要死 worried to death
  5. 急得跺脚 make sb. jump up with nervou...
  6. 急忙 in a hurry
  7. 急忙作出判断 be hasty in one's judgments
  8. 急忙回去 hasten back
  9. 急忙离去 hasten away
  10. 急急忙忙 hurried and busy
  11. 急性 acute
  12. 急性传染 acute infection
  13. 急性传染病 acute infectious disease
  14. 急性子 of impatient disposition
  15. 急性心包炎 acute pericarditis
  16. 急性病 acute disease impetuosity
  17. 急性白血病 acute leukemia
  18. 急性肝炎 oxyhepatitis
  19. 急性肠炎 chordapsus
  20. 急性阑尾炎 acute appendicitis
  21. 急性鼻炎 acute rhinitis
  22. 急惊风 acute infantile convulsions
  23. 急惊风遇到了慢郎中 deferred action taken in cas...
  24. 急救 give first aid treatment
  25. 急救人员 first-aid personnel
  26. 急救包 first-aid dressing
  27. 急救用品 first-aid appliance
  28. 急救站 first-aid station
  29. 急救箱 first-aid case
  30. 急救药箱 first-aid kit
  31. 急救车 breakdown van
  32. 急时抱佛脚 embrace Buddha's feet only i...
  33. 急景凋年 Time slips away fast and the...
  34. 急智 nimbleness of mind in dealin...
  35. 急来抱佛脚 seek help in time of emergen...
  36. 急板 presto
  37. 急死 sudden death
  38. 急流 torrent
  39. 急流勇进 advance through the rapids
  40. 急流勇退 resolutely to retire at the ...
  41. 急流沿着山腰冲刷出一条水沟 The torrents scoured out a c...
  42. 急湍 swift current
  43. 急滩 rapids
  44. 急用 urgent need
  45. 急用电话 emergency telephone
  46. 急电 urgent telegram
  47. 急病 acute disease
  48. 急病请三医 In case of serious illness,t...
  49. 急症 emergency
  50. 急着要出发 be impatient to set out irri...

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