1. 赔话 make an apology
  2. 赔钱 lose money in business trans...
  3. 赔钱货 a money-losing proposition g...
  4. offer
  5. 赕佛 offer money,etc. to temples
  6. I rely on
  7. 赖不掉 cannot be denied lay the bla...
  8. 赖丹 Lai Dan
  9. 赖他偷东西 falsely accuse him of being ...
  10. 赖以 rely
  11. 赖以生存的条件 conditions on which persons ...
  12. 赖债者 repudiator
  13. 赖在城市不走 hang on in a city and refuse...
  14. 赖学 play traunt
  15. 赖氨酸 lysine
  16. 赖氨酸酶 lysyl oxidase
  17. 赖皮 rascally
  18. 赖皮馋眼 take a greedy look
  19. 赖着不走 continue to stay in...
  20. 赖衣赖食 depend on others for a livin...
  21. 赖账 repudiate a debt go back on ...
  22. 赖货 villain
  23. funeral gifts
  24. redundant
  25. 赘婿 a son-in-law who lives in th...
  26. 赘生物 neoplasm
  27. 赘疣 wart
  28. 赘瘤 anything superfluous or usel...
  29. 赘言 say more than is needed
  30. 赘述 give unnecessary details
  31. present a gift to a bereaved...
  32. 赙仪 a gift to a bereaved family
  33. 赙赠 present a gift to a bereaved...
  34. deceive
  35. 赚不少钱 earn a lot of money
  36. 赚头 profit
  37. 赚钱 make money
  38. 赚钱生意 a profitable business
  39. match
  40. 赛从俭 Sai Congjian
  41. 赛前练球 warm-up
  42. 赛力散 Mersolite
  43. 赛果 amidithion
  44. 赛狗 dog race
  45. 赛璐珞 zylonite
  46. 赛璐珞护膜 cellogum
  47. 赛璐珞漆 celluloid lacquer
  48. 赛璐珞片 cell
  49. 赛舟 gow
  50. 赛船 wherry

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