1. 审察 careful observation
  2. 审干 examine the cadre's personal...
  3. 审度 study and estimate
  4. 审度情势 study and weigh conditions
  5. 审悉 get to know
  6. 审慎 cautious
  7. 审慎从事 steer a cautious course
  8. 审慎考虑 consider cautiously
  9. 审批 examine and approve
  10. 审批机关 approving authority
  11. 审批权限 the power of examination and...
  12. 审批程序 procedure for examination an...
  13. 审时度势 judge the hour and size up t...
  14. 审时观变 examine the signs of the tim...
  15. 审查 examine
  16. 审查属实 The fact was established aft...
  17. 审查电键 censor key
  18. 审查程序 audit program
  19. 审标 comparision and review of bi...
  20. 审核 examine and verify
  21. 审核预算 examine and approve a budget
  22. 审案 try a case
  23. 审理 try
  24. 审理案件 try a case
  25. 审理诉案 hold pleas
  26. 审稿 go over a manuscript or draf...
  27. 审稿人 reader
  28. 审美 appreciation of the beauty
  29. 审美学 aesthetics
  30. 审美意识 aesthetic consciousness
  31. 审美教育 aesthetic education
  32. 审美方法 aesthetic approach
  33. 审美模式 aesthetic model
  34. 审美眼光 an eye for beauty
  35. 审美者 esthete
  36. 审美能力 aesthetic judgment
  37. 审美观念 aesthetic standards
  38. 审视 look closely at
  39. 审计 audit
  40. 审计制度 auditing system
  41. 审计员 comptoller
  42. 审计委员会 board of auditors
  43. 审计报告 audit report
  44. 审计机关 auditing body
  45. 审计证明书 certificate of auditing
  46. 审计部门 department responsible for a...
  47. 审计长 chief auditor
  48. 审订 examine and revise
  49. 审订教材 revise teaching materials
  50. 审议 consideration

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