1. 偃师 a surname
  2. 偃师明 Yanshi Ming
  3. 偃文修武 The book is laid aside for t...
  4. 偃旗息鼓 lower one's banners and muff...
  5. 偃武修文 desist from military activit...
  6. holiday
  7. 假两性畸形 pseudohermaphroditism
  8. 假买民心 make a bid for popularity
  9. 假仁假义 don a pious mask
  10. 假仁假义的伪君子 canting hypocrite
  11. 假仓 Jia Cang
  12. 假令 in caseⅣ a surname
  13. 假以辞色 look at sb. encouragingly
  14. 假伤寒 pseudotyphoid
  15. 假体 prothesis
  16. 假作镇静 pretend to be calm
  17. 假作震惊 assume an air of being great...
  18. 假使 if
  19. 假信号 ghost signal
  20. 假借 make use of
  21. 假借他人的名义 in the guise of other's name...
  22. 假借名义 masquerade under an assumed ...
  23. 假借外力 make use of outside forces
  24. 假充 pretend to be
  25. 假充内行 pass oneself off as an exper...
  26. 假充英雄 pose as a hero
  27. 假公济私 promote one's private intere...
  28. 假关节 nearthrosis
  29. 假冒 pass oneself off as
  30. 假冒产品 counterfeit
  31. 假冒他人专利 pass off the patent of anoth...
  32. 假冒商品 imitated commodity
  33. 假冒商标 counterfeit trademark
  34. 假冒签名 forged signature
  35. 假分数 improper fraction
  36. 假劣商品 fake and substandard product
  37. 假发 wig
  38. 假受精 pseudogamy
  39. 假口于人 put words in one's mouth
  40. 假名 pseudonym
  41. 假名字 a pseudonymous name
  42. 假名托姓 pass sb.'s name as one's own
  43. 假命题 false statement
  44. 假和平 phoney peace
  45. 假哭 weep with an onion
  46. 假商 temporary quotient
  47. 假嗓子 falsetto
  48. 假声 falsetto
  49. 假声带 false vocal cord
  50. 假声门 pseudoglottis

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