1. 鼻科学 nasology
  2. 鼻科学家 rhinologist
  3. 鼻窥器 nasal speculum
  4. 鼻窥器检查 rhinoscopy
  5. 鼻笛 nose flute
  6. 鼻管 nasal tube
  7. 鼻管饲法 intubation feeding
  8. 鼻粘液 snotter
  9. 鼻缩小术 rhinomiosis
  10. 鼻翼 wing of nose
  11. 鼻聋 anosmia
  12. 鼻腔 nasal cavity
  13. 鼻腔喷雾 nasal spray
  14. 鼻腔堵塞 rhinostegnosis
  15. 鼻腔肿瘤 rhino tumor
  16. 鼻针疗法 nose-acupuncture therapy
  17. 鼻钳 barnacle
  18. 鼻镜 rhinoscope
  19. 鼻镜检查 rhinoscopy
  20. 鼻青脸肿 with a bloody nose and a swo...
  21. 鼻鞘 rhinotheca
  22. 鼻音 nasal sound
  23. 鼻骨 nasal bone
  24. 鼻高 nasal height
  25. rhinallergosis
  26. snore
  27. 鼾声 snore
  28. 鼾声呼吸 stertorous breathing
  29. 鼾声大作 stertorous breathing
  30. 鼾声如猪 snore like a pig
  31. 鼾声如雷 snore like thunder
  32. 鼾孔 snore-hole
  33. 鼾睡 sound,snoring sleep
  34. 鼾音 sonorous rale
  35. 鼾鼾如雷 snore like thunder
  36. the sound of snoring
  37. 齁声 the sound of snoring
  38. 齁苦 very bitter
  39. 齁齁熟睡 lie gently breathing in a so...
  40. blocked up
  41. 齆鼻儿 speak with a nasal twang due...
  42. snuffling
  43. 齉鼻儿 snuffle
  44. flavouring
  45. 齐东野语 what folks say
  46. 齐全 complete
  47. 齐口同声 say in unison
  48. 齐名 enjoy equal popularity
  49. 齐吠 full cry
  50. 齐唱 sing in unison

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