1. 借重 rely on for support
  2. 借鉴 use for reference
  3. 借鉴外国的经验 use the experience of other ...
  4. 借问 may I ask
  5. 借项 debit
  6. 借项凭单 debit memo
  7. 借项清单 debit note
  8. 借题发挥 seize on a minor incident to...
  9. 借风驶船 sail with the wind
  10. 借香敬佛 borrow joss-sticks from a ne...
  11. promote
  12. 倡导 initiate
  13. 倡导者 initiator
  14. 倡言 propose
  15. 倡议 propose
  16. 倡议书 written proposal
  17. 倡议召开国际会议 propose the calling of an in...
  18. 倡议权 initiative
  19. 倡议者 initiator
  20. 倡首 initiate
  21. nimble
  22. 倥侗 ignorant
  23. 倥侗无知 benighted
  24. 倥偬 pressing
  25. weary
  26. 倦得发晕 be faint with fatigue
  27. 倦得要命 be dead tired
  28. 倦意 tiredness
  29. 倦游 weary of wondering and sight...
  30. proud
  31. 倨傲 overbearing
  32. pretty
  33. 倩人代笔 ask sb. to write on one's be...
  34. 倩人执笔 ask sb. to write on one's be...
  35. 倩人捉刀 engaging one to hold the "kn...
  36. 倩冰委禽 The proper formalities are o...
  37. 倩女离魂 The young lady died for love...
  38. 倩影 a well-proportioned form
  39. 倩杰 Qing Jie
  40. 倩装 pretties
  41. 倪犁 a surname
  42. 倪犁秋 Nili Qiu
  43. 倪若水 Ni Ruoshui
  44. striking
  45. an old name for Japan
  46. 倭寇 Japanese pirates
  47. 倭瓜 pumpkin
  48. 倮同 "裸"
  49. 倴城 Bencheng
  50. you

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