1. fall
  2. 倒下的树刚刚擦过他的椅子 The falling tree just grazed...
  3. 倒不如 it's better to
  4. 倒买倒卖 fraudulent buying and sellin...
  5. 倒仓 take grain out of a granary ...
  6. 倒伏 lodging
  7. 倒像 inverted image
  8. 倒入 decant
  9. 倒净 evacuation
  10. 倒出 pour-out
  11. 倒分数 reciprocal fractions
  12. 倒刺 hangnail
  13. 倒卖 resell at a profit
  14. 倒卖紧俏商品 speculative reselling of goo...
  15. 倒卖车票 scalp a train ticket
  16. 倒叙 flashback
  17. 倒台 fall from power
  18. 倒合 a homogeneous example showin...
  19. 倒向 swing to
  20. 倒嗓 lose one's voice
  21. 倒噍 ruminate
  22. 倒回 refund
  23. 倒因为果 reverse cause and effect
  24. 倒在地上 topple down to the ground
  25. 倒在怀里 lie back on sb.'s breast
  26. 倒地铃 Cardiospermum halicacabum
  27. 倒坍 decay
  28. 倒塌 collapse
  29. 倒填日期 antedate
  30. 倒头 touch the pillow
  31. 倒头便睡 lie down to sleep
  32. 倒好儿 booing
  33. 倒屣相迎 greet a visitor with the sho...
  34. 倒帐 bad debts
  35. 倒带 tape rewind
  36. 倒带按键 re-wind button
  37. 倒序 inverted order
  38. 倒序学习 reversal learning
  39. 倒序词典 a reverse dictionary
  40. 倒座儿 a seat back to the engine
  41. 倒引表 inverted list
  42. 倒彩 booing
  43. 倒影 inverted image
  44. 倒悬 hang by the feet -- be in so...
  45. 倒悬之危 in the last extremity
  46. 倒戈 change sides in a war
  47. 倒戈卸甲 lay down weapons and strip o...
  48. 倒戈投敌 turn renegade
  49. 倒戈相向 revolt against constituted a...
  50. 倒手 change hands

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