1. 保龄球场地 bowling alley
  2. 保龄球木瓶 bowling pin
  3. a surname
  4. 俞大猷 Yu Dayou
  5. 俞跗 Yu Fu,a legendary surgeon in...
  6. wait
  7. 俟机 wait for an opportunity
  8. 俟机进攻 wait for an opportunity to a...
  9. 俟河之清 wait till the Yellow River r...
  10. 俟见 "万俟"
  11. letter
  12. 信上提到了他 He was mentioned in the pape...
  13. 信不信由你 believe it or not
  14. 信不过 mistrust
  15. 信中附上几笔 add a few words in a letter
  16. 信义 good faith
  17. 信义素著 be always righteous and true
  18. 信乎 Is it true?
  19. 信从 trust and comply with
  20. 信以为然 believe it to be so
  21. 信以为真 accept sth. as true
  22. 信仰 faith
  23. 信仰万物有灵的迷信 animistic superstition
  24. 信仰共产主义 believe in communism
  25. 信仰自由 freedom of faith
  26. 信件 letter
  27. 信件已交与本人 The letter has been given to...
  28. 信任 trust
  29. 信任危机 crisis of confidence
  30. 信任投票 vote of confidence
  31. 信任某人 have trust in sb.
  32. 信任状 credential
  33. 信佛 believe in Buddhism statue o...
  34. 信使 courier
  35. 信使往还 exchange of correspondence a...
  36. 信儿 a piece of information
  37. 信函 letters
  38. 信及豚鱼 One's sincerity moves even t...
  39. 信口开河 speak carelessly,rapidly,vol...
  40. 信口胡诌 talk nonsense
  41. 信口雌黄 make irresponsible remarks
  42. 信史 true history
  43. 信号 signal
  44. 信号发生器 signal generator
  45. 信号弹 signal flare
  46. 信号是用旗或灯发出的 Signals are made with flags ...
  47. 信号机 annunciator
  48. 信号枪 signal gun
  49. 信号火箭 signal rocket
  50. 信号灯 signal lamp

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