1. 颊须 whiskers
  2. 颊骨 cheekbone
  3. upright
  4. mouth
  5. 颌下腺 salivary gland
  6. 颌下腺炎 submaxillitis
  7. 颌下软骨 submandibular cartilage
  8. 颌庆 He Qing
  9. 颌成形术 gnathoplasty
  10. 颌炎 gnathitis
  11. 颌畸形 jaw abnormality
  12. 颌痛 gnathalgia
  13. 颌突 gnathism
  14. 颌针鱼 needlefish
  15. 颌骨疾病 jaw disease
  16. a surname
  17. 颍河 the Yinghe River
  18. 颍考叔 Ying Kaoshu
  19. bright
  20. chin
  21. 颏宽 chin breadth
  22. 颏棘 mental spine
  23. 颏神经 nervus mentalis
  24. 颏突 chin projection
  25. 颏肌 mentalis
  26. cheek
  27. 颐养 take care of oneself
  28. 颐和园 the Summer Palace
  29. 颐指气使 order people about by gestur...
  30. frequent
  31. 频于 next door to
  32. 频仍 frequent
  33. 频传 keep pouring in
  34. 频带 frequency band
  35. 频带共用 band sharing
  36. 频带分割 band sharing
  37. 频带分离器 band separator
  38. 频带宽度 frequency band width
  39. 频带指示器 band indicator
  40. 频数 frequent and continuous
  41. 频来频往 coming and going hastily -- ...
  42. 频段 frequency range
  43. 频率 frequency
  44. 频率互换 frequency frogging
  45. 频率共用 frequency sharing
  46. 频率共用电路 frequency-sharing circuit
  47. 频率分布 frequency distribution
  48. 频率变换 frequency transformation
  49. 频率合成器 frequency synthesizer
  50. 频率失真 frequency distortion lack fi...

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