1. 赋性疏慵 insolent by nature
  2. 赋有 possess
  3. 赋有才能 possess talents
  4. 赋税 taxes
  5. 赋税亏损结转 tax-loss carryforward
  6. 赋税亏损退算 tax-loss carryback
  7. 赋税刺激 tax incentive
  8. 赋税委员会 Committee on Ways and Means
  9. 赋税归宿 tax incidence
  10. 赋税转嫁 shifting of tax
  11. 赋能 energize
  12. 赋能字 enable word
  13. 赋能网络 energized network
  14. 赋色 colouration
  15. 赋范 normed
  16. 赋范代数 normed algebra
  17. 赋范星代数 normed star algebra
  18. 赋范空间 normed space
  19. 赋范线性空间 normed linear space
  20. 赋诗狂 metromania
  21. 赋诗陈词 write poem descriptive of oc...
  22. 赋闲 be unemployed
  23. 赋额 tax rate
  24. gamble
  25. 赌债 gambling debt
  26. 赌具 gambling paraphernalia
  27. 赌博 gamble
  28. 赌博机 fruit machine
  29. 赌友 gambling companions
  30. 赌咒 take an oath
  31. 赌咒发誓 take the name of God in vain
  32. 赌场 gambling house
  33. 赌场烟窟 gambling houses and opium pa...
  34. 赌客 gambler
  35. 赌局 gambling party
  36. 赌徒 gambler
  37. 赌本 money to gamble with
  38. 赌棍 hardened gambler
  39. 赌气 feel wronged and act rashly
  40. 赌气走开 go away in a fit of pique
  41. 赌注 counter for gambling
  42. 赌注下得很大 stake very high
  43. 赌注押错了 wager on a wrong horse
  44. 赌犯 arrested gambler
  45. 赌窝 gambling-den place
  46. 赌窟 gambling-den
  47. 赌钱 gamble
  48. 赌鬼 confirmed gambler
  49. give bring hold
  50. 赍志而殁 He died without accomplishin...

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