1. 顿挫 pause and transition in rhyt...
  2. 顿挫型 forme fruste
  3. 顿挫型感染 abortive infection
  4. 顿挫抑扬 rising and falling of tones
  5. 顿挫抑扬是形容朗读时声音的高低曲折和和谐的的节奏 Cadence means the rise and f...
  6. 顿挫疗法 ectrosis
  7. 顿改前非 suddenly to reform oneself
  8. 顿时 immediately
  9. 顿时错乱 instant insanity
  10. 顿服剂 Haust.
  11. 顿河 the Don River
  12. 顿然大悟 suddenly to wake up
  13. 顿然悔悟 suddenly realize one's error...
  14. 顿琦 Dun Qi
  15. 顿生一股无明火 in a moment of anger
  16. 顿生疑窦 suddenly feel suspicious
  17. 顿笔 make a pause for breath in w...
  18. 顿脚 stamp one's foot arrange
  19. 顿起歹念 turn ungrateful suddenly
  20. 顿起盗心 make sb. wild for a game of ...
  21. 顿足 stamp one's feet
  22. 顿足不前 come to a standstill
  23. 顿足号哭 cry stamping one's feet
  24. 顿足捶胸 stamp one's feet and beat on...
  25. 顿踬无靠 stumble by the way without s...
  26. 顿达凯 doundaké
  27. 顿钻 percussion drilling
  28. 顿钻机 percussion drilling rig
  29. 顿钻钻头 chopping bit
  30. 顿首 make a ceremonious nod
  31. tall
  32. 颀长 tall
  33. issue
  34. 颁发 issue
  35. 颁发嘉奖令 issue an order of commendati...
  36. 颁发奖章 award a medal
  37. 颁发奖金 bestow a prize
  38. 颁发宪法 promulgate a constitution
  39. 颁发文凭 issue a diploma
  40. 颁发法令 issue a decree award
  41. 颁发证书 award a certificate
  42. 颁奖大会 award-giving meeting
  43. 颁布 promulgate
  44. 颁布军令 issue a military order
  45. 颁布法令 promulgate a decree
  46. 颁行 issue for enforcement
  47. praise
  48. 颂古诽今 praise the past to condemn t...
  49. 颂古非今 eulogize the past at the exp...

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