Have that in your nose in the dark , whiff of stale boose 你在黑暗中闻一闻试试,一股予馊酒味儿。
Keep him off the boose , see 用意是让他把酒戒掉,明白吗
Eh ? rome boose for the bloom toff . i hear you say onions 给那神气活现的布卢姆来杯朗姆酒,我听你说过葱头376 ?
Ah , well , says joe , handing round the boose . thanks be to god they had the start of us “啊,喔, ”乔说着把酒递过来, “感谢天主,他们赶在咱们头里啦128 。
The sailor stared at him heavily from a pair of drowsy baggy eyes , rather bunged up from excessive use of boose , preferably good old hollands and water 水手用那双昏昏欲睡松弛下垂的眼睛迟钝地瞪着斯蒂芬。由于贪杯痛饮,尤其是兑水荷兰杜松子酒喝得过了头,水手的眼泡都肿了。