This may show as luminescent blotches or spots on the body . 这一点是指其身体上的发光斑或发光点。
He pointed to a dark blotch upon the starry sky some miles astern of us . 他指着我们身后几英里处繁星点点的天空中的一朵乌云。
Some of the faces were clear enough, but some were mere blurs and blotches or had one feature grossly exaggerated . 有些人的面孔很清晰,有的模糊不清,有的黑乎乎的一片,还有的某个部位特别醒目。
Far below, the railroad yard changed and squealed, a small busy blotch on the ancient silent desert . 远在山下,铁路停车场里还在呜呜作响,发出铿锵的声音,在这片古老、沉寂的沙漠中只是一个忙忙碌碌的小斑点。
It was the two children who finally routed the nurse by reminding her of a desiccated carcass, blotched with brown, streaked with yellow, scarred by knives . 正是这两个孩子迫使护士联想起那个带着棕褐的斑点、灰黄的采纹和刀伤疤痕的干枯躯体。
blotchとは意味:{名-1} : 染み、汚斑、斑点{はんてん} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {名-2} : 《病》できもの、おでき、かさ ------------------------------------------------------------------------...blotch meaning: Noun: blotch blóch An irregularly shaped spot - splodge , splotch Verb: blotch blóch Mark with spots or blotches of different colour or shades of colour as ...blotch en francais:n. tache, marque, trace (encre généralement) v. couvrir de grandes taches (peau)blotch artinya:jerawatblotch 뜻:noun, 얼룩, 종기, 점blotch перевод:1) прыщ, угорь 2) пятно; бородавка (у растений) 3) пятно, клякса; Ex: the snoe fell in large blotches снег падал большими хлопьями 4) покрывать пятнами, кляксами