an orange-yellow pigment in the bile that forms as a product of hemoglobin; excess amounts in the blood produce the yellow appearance observed in jaundice 同义词:hematoidin, haematoidin
bilirubinとは意味:{名} : ビリルビン、胆汁色素{たんじゅう しきそ} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【発音】bi`lэru':bin、【分節】bil?i?ru?bin bilirubin meaning: Noun: bilirubin `bili'roobin An orange-yellow pigment in the bile that forms as a product of haemoglobin; excess amounts in the blood produce the yellow appearance observed in jaun...bilirubin en francais:n. bilirubine, pigment rouge, dérivé de la biliverdine et produit final de la dégradation de l'héminebilirubin artinya:bilirubinbilirubin 뜻:noun, 빌리루빈(담즙속의 적황색 색소)bilirubin перевод:1) _биох. билирубин