

  • bard's sign
  • bard:    n. (中世纪)马的铠甲。
  • :    go on a journey; travel
  • bard:    n. 1.吟游诗人,流浪乐人。 2.(史诗等的)作者[吟诵者]。 3.〔古语〕(抒情)诗人。 4.〔the B-〕 = William Shakespeare. a B- specialist 〔美国〕莎士比亚研究家。 the B- of Avon 莎士比亚的别称。 n. (中世纪)马的铠甲。
  • the bard:    游吟诗人
  • :    Ⅰ动词1.(走远路) go on a journey; travel 踏上征途 embark on the road; 万里长征 go on a journey of thousands of miles2.(证讨) go on a punitive expedition; start a campaign 去远征 go on an expedition; 出征 campaign; 南征北战 fighting north and south;campaigning up and down the country3.(政府召集人民服务) recruit; levy; draft 应征入伍 be drafted into the army4.(征收) collect; impose; levy 征收烟酒税 impose duties on tobaccos and wines5.(征求) solicit; ask for 征订 solicit for subscriptionsⅡ名词1.(证明; 证验) evidence; proof 明征 clear evidence; 无征之言 an unfounded assertion; 信而有征 be supported by proof; 有实物可征。there is solid evidence.2.(表露出的迹象; 现象) sign; portent; symbol 特征 characteristic; trait; feature; 象征 symbol; emblem; token


        bard:    n. (中世纪)马的铠甲。
        :    go on a journey; travel
        bard:    n. 1.吟游诗人,流浪乐人。 2.(史诗等的)作者[吟诵者]。 3.〔古语〕(抒情)诗人。 4.〔the B-〕 = William Shakespeare. a B- specialist 〔美国〕莎士比亚研究家。 the B- of Avon 莎士比亚的别称。 n. (中世纪)马的铠甲。
        the bard:    游吟诗人
        :    Ⅰ动词1.(走远路) go on a journey; travel 踏上征途 embark on the road; 万里长征 go on a journey of thousands of miles2.(证讨) go on a punitive expedition; start a campaign 去远征 go on an expedition; 出征 campaign; 南征北战 fighting north and south;campaigning up and down the country3.(政府召集人民服务) recruit; levy; draft 应征入伍 be drafted into the army4.(征收) collect; impose; levy 征收烟酒税 impose duties on tobaccos and wines5.(征求) solicit; ask for 征订 solicit for subscriptionsⅡ名词1.(证明; 证验) evidence; proof 明征 clear evidence; 无征之言 an unfounded assertion; 信而有征 be supported by proof; 有实物可征。there is solid evidence.2.(表露出的迹象; 现象) sign; portent; symbol 特征 characteristic; trait; feature; 象征 symbol; emblem; token
        bard college:    巴德学院
        bard dance:    吟游诗人舞
        bard hd:    巴德角
        bard n:    刺人的话(像胡子一样刺
        bard shah:    巴尔德沙阿
        bard sign:    巴德征
        bard song:    吟唱歌曲
        bard vetch:    单花野豌豆
        bard-drawn:    硬抽的; 硬拉的
        bard-pic:    巴-皮二氏综合征:慢性进行性黄疸
        brtterfly bard:    蝴蝶鲫
        building bard:    建筑板材
        control bard:    控制盘
        josh bard:    乔许巴德
        melodic bard:    演奏美妙旋律的吟游诗人
        svitlana bard:    斯维特兰娜巴尔德
        the bard of avon:    莎士比亚的别称
        auspitz征:    auspitz's sign
        ballet征:    ballet's sign
        barany征:    barany's sign


  1. "bardymskiy khr"英文
  2. "bardyshev"英文
  3. "bardyukov"英文
  4. "bardzimov"英文
  5. "bardziotas"英文
  6. "bare"英文
  7. "bare air base"英文
  8. "bare aluminium conductors"英文
  9. "bare aluminium sheath"英文
  10. "bare aluminium stranded wire"英文


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