A bailout is a colloquial pejorative term for giving a loan to a company or country which faces serious financial difficulty or bankruptcy. It may also be used to allow a failing entity to fail gracefully without spreading contagion.
bailoutとは意味:bailout ベイルアウト bailout meaning: n. [ c ] see bail...out v. (2): bailouts for bankrupt farmers after the drought bailout en francais:n. tentative de fuite; renflouement; sauvetage (d'un danger), fait d'échapper à l'écrasement d'un avionbailout artinya:bantuanbailout 뜻:noun, adjective, 탈출, 긴급 구조-탈출의bailout перевод:1) _разг. выручка; помощь (в трудном положении) 2) прыжок с парашютом 3) аварийное покидание (самолета и т. п.) 4) спасительный 5) аварийный, срочный, неотложный Ex: bailout measures for hard-pre...