This restaurant is not bab , thank you for the dinner 这家餐厅不错,谢谢您的晚餐。
More bab ballads 巴布民谣续
The bab ballads 巴布民谣
Yet the good ship ploughed straight on , unretarded by wind or wave , towards the straits of bab - el - mandeb . what was phileas fogg doing all this time 但是,尽管是狂风怒吼,海浪滔天,这艘轮船在强大的机器推动下,却仍然毫不含糊地向曼德海峡驶去。
babとは意味:{名} : バーブ bab meaning:[British slang] Verb. To defecate. [Yorks/Hull/Notts use] Noun. 1. Faeces. [Yorks/Hull/Notts use] 2. Term of affectionate address, such as dear or friend. [W. Midlands use] 3. Abb. of kebab. bab en francais:n. bab (arabe), porte, portail, partie de noms de lieux comme "bab el oued"bab artinya:chapter (books)bab 뜻:noun, 바바라(Barbara)의 애칭bab перевод:1) _диал. ребенок, малыш