A . i ect auricle for placement , size , symmetry , and color 检查耳廓布局、大小、对称性和颜色。
A . inspect auricle for placement , size , symmetry , and color 检查耳廓布局、大小、对称性和颜色。
Prophylls ca . 2 cm long , sheathed , without blade and auricles 先出叶仅具鞘而无叶片,长约2厘米,无叶耳。
The pathological changes of the bowels and organs can be shown on the auricle according to the distribution of the ears ' points 根据耳穴的布图,身体内脏、组织器官的病理变化可在耳廓上反映出来,通过耳穴的按摩,可以治疗和预防内脏器官的多中疾病。
B . palpate auricle for texture , tenderne , and presence of lesio . if client complai of pain , gently pull auricle and pre on tragus and behind ear over mastoid bone 触碰耳廓检查质地、触痛,有无损伤。如受检者叫痛,轻拉耳廓和按耳屏及耳后颞骨乳突部。
auricleとは意味:auricle 耳介 じかい 耳殻 じかく auricle meaning: Noun: auricle orikul A small conical pouch projecting from the upper anterior part of each atrium of the heart - atrial auricle , auricula atrii The externally visible ca...auricle en francais:n. pavillon (de l'oreille); oreillette du coeur (animaux)auricle artinya:bilik jantungauricle 뜻:noun, 외이, 귓바퀴, (심장의)심이, 이상부, 이상물 n, 귓바퀴, 외이, 심이, 귀 비슷한 것auricle перевод:1) _анат. ушная раковина 2) _анат. ушко предсердия