Ascending is a science fiction novel by the Canadian writer James Alan Gardner, published in 2001 by HarperCollins Publishers under its various imprints.HarperCollins, Avon, HarperCollins Canada, SFBC/Avon; paperback edition 2001, Eos Books.
ascendingとは意味:ascending 上昇 じょうしょう 登攀 とうはん ascending meaning: Adjective: ascending u'sending Moving or going or growing upward "the ascending plane"; "the ascending staircase"; "the ascending stems of chickweed"...ascending en francais:adj. croissant, monté en gradeascending artinya:menaikascending 뜻:adjective, 오르는, 상승적인, 위를 향한ascending перевод:1) восходящий Ex: ascending scale _муз. восходящая гамма Ex: ascending aorta _анат. восходящая часть дуги аорты 2) идущий по восходящей линии от потомков к предкам Ex: ascending collateral branch ...