ascendant: adj. 1.向上的,上升的 (opp. descendant)。 2.占优势的;占支配地位的。 3.【天文学】向天顶上升的。 n. 1.优势地位,支配地位。 2.祖先。 3.【卜】星位;(诞生时的)运星。 be in the ascendant 在优越地位上,有旭日初升之势,福星高照。 lineal ascendant 直系尊属。 the lord of ascendant 首座星。
the state that exists when one person or group has power over another; "her apparent dominance of her husband was really her attempt to make him pay attention to her" 同义词:dominance, ascendance, ascendence, ascendency, control
ascendancyとは意味:ascendancy, ascendency n. 優勢; 支配権. 【動詞+】 ◆Athens gradually established (its) ascendancy over nearby city states. アテネは近隣の都市国家に対して徐々に優位を確立した ◆exercise (an) ascendancy over… …を支配する ◆gain ascendancy at co...ascendancy meaning: Noun: ascendancy u'sendunsee The state that exists when one person or group has power over another - dominance , ascendance , ascendence , ascendency , control Derived for...ascendancy en francais:n. ascendance,origine; supériorité, suprématie; domination; contrôleascendancy artinya:keadaan berkuasaascendancy 뜻:noun, 욱일승천의 세력, 우세, 패권, 지배권ascendancy перевод:1) власть, господство, доминирующее влияние Ex: to have ascendancy over smb. иметь власть над кем-либо, господствовать