Code division multiple access ( cdma ) has received a great deal of attention asan access method for the third - generation mobile communication systems 码分多址( cdma )技术作为第三代移动通信系统的主要接入方式,受到了人们的密切关注。
It is also possible that thisparticular fossil ofjuravenator , which appears to be a juvenile , only grew feathers asan adult or lost its feathers for part of theyear 还可能因为,这是juravenator幼年时期的化石,而它只有在成年后才会长出羽毛。
When the efts enter the microprocessorbased pfotective reiay , the conducted coupling disturbance is main , and theconducted circuit modeis are established . the digitai oscilloscope is empioyed toanaiyze the immunity of the microprocessor based protective reiay quantitativeiy asan auxiiiary tooi 提出一种以示波器为辅助工具,定量分析微机继电保护系统抗扰度的方法,摆脱了“盲目”的探索,使微机保护装置抗扰度研究进入了“可视化”阶段。