antiqueとは意味:antique n. 骨董品, 古物, 古器. 【動詞+】 ◆auction (off) antiques 骨董品を競売にかける ◆He collects antiques. 骨董品を収集している ◆This shop deals in antiques. この店は古物を商っている ◆I offered to sell him one or two antiques from my collect...antique meaning: Adjective: antique an'teek Made in or typical of earlier times and valued for its age "the beautiful antique French furniture" Out of fashion "a suit of ...antique en francais:n. antique; antiquité; genre ancien en art v. donner une apparence antique adj. antiqueantique artinya:antikantique 뜻:adjective, noun, 고풍의, 낡은, 고대로부터의, 고물, 고기, 안티크체의 활자antique перевод:1) памятник древности, произведение древнего (особ. античного) искусства 2) (the antique) _разг. древнее (особ. античное) искусство; античный стиль 3) предмет антиквариата Ex: to sell antiques прод...