Adaptive strategies may often evolve, such as the biochemical polymorphisms of blood and serum groups . 适应策略也常常进化,例如:血型和血清的生化多形现象就是这样的。
It has become clear that the distinction between adaptation and adaptive strategies is more or less a question of expediency . 适应和适应策略之间的区分多少是一个权宜手段问题,这一点已经很明显了。
Perhaps a key adaptive advantage of the angiosperm is their ability to construct wood with much less expenditure of energy per unit weight . 也许被子植物适应优势的秘诀就在于它们有能力形成每单位重量的木材可支付少得多的能。
So the recent introduction of the microcomputer has provided a further impetus towards the possibility of on-line optimisation, or true adaptive control, within the missile itself . 最近微型计算机的出现,一定会促进联机最佳化,或者导弹内部的真正的适应控制的可能性。
Rehabilitation and adaptive reuse of historic structures 古建筑的修复和重新使用