accomplishmentとは意味:accomplishment n. 芸, 才芸; 業績, 成果; 成就, 遂行. 【動詞+】 ◆How was this wonderful accomplishment achieved? どのようにしてこのすばらしい成果をあげたのですか ◆acquire an accomplishment 一芸に達する ◆exploit one's accomplishments 自分の才芸を利用する ◆He...accomplishment meaning: Noun: accomplishment u'kúmplishment The action of accomplishing something - achievement An ability that has been acquired by training - skill , acquirement , acquisiti...accomplishment en francais:n. accomplissement, achèvement; réalisationaccomplishment artinya:pemenuhanaccomplishment 뜻:noun, 성취, 완성, 수행, 실행, 성과.(경멸)서투른 제주accomplishment перевод:1) выполнение, завершение; Ex: accomplishment of desires исполнение желаний; Ex: difficult of accomplishment трудновыполнимый 2) достижение; Ex: accomplishments of scientists открытия ученых; дост...