adj. 1.能接近的,容易会见的。 2.可以进入的;容易理解的。 3.易受影响的。 4.好相处的。 短语和例子 an accessible path 通路。 an accessible person 温和的人。 minds accessible to reason 通情达理的人们。adv. -bly
capable of being reached; "a town accessible by rail"
easy to get along with or talk to; friendly; "an accessible and genial man"
easily obtained; "most students now have computers accessible"; "accessible money"
capable of being read with comprehension; "readily accessible to the nonprofessional reader"; "the tales seem more approachable than his more difficult novels" 同义词:approachable
accessibleとは意味:accessible adj. 近づきやすい, 行かれる; (…に)動かされやすい. 【副詞】 ◆Now barely accessible, it was once the capital of a great empire. 今日はまず近づけないがそこはかつて大帝国の首都であった ◆These islands are conveniently accessible by ship. これらの島...accessible meaning: Adjective: accessible ak'sesubul Capable of being reached "a town accessible by rail" Capable of being read with comprehension "readily accessible to the...accessible en francais:adj. accessible; ouvert; qui se laisse convaincreaccessible artinya:dapat diaksesaccessible 뜻:adjective, 접근(가까이)하기 쉬운, 얻기 쉬운accessible перевод:1) доступный; достижимый; Ex: accessible to all доступный для всех 2) поддающийся (влиянию); податливый; Ex: accessible to bribery подкупный, продажный; Ex: he is not accessible to pity его невозм...