He was a new england seer and seeker, both an accepter and a renouncer, a quiet man and a busy man, who liked "dry light, and hard clouds, hard expressions, and hard manners" . 他是新英格兰的先知,又是探索者,既接受,又扬弃,秉性娴静而又终日碌碌,喜欢“古板严肃,正言厉色。”
The relations between deliverer and accepter in network education dissemination and its pattern 网络教育传播的主客体关系及其模式
To reduce interior noise of a passenger compartment measures are taken in the propagation route and the accepter 对于铁路客车车内降噪,主要从噪声源和传声途径两个方面采取措施。
Both the supplier and accepter of the technology evaluate the value of the technology and enjoy the benefits and risks together 技术的供求双方以商定的技术评估价值入股,并共享企业的利润和风险。
Any one of noise pollution occurrences includes the three constituents that are a noise source , a propagation route and an accepter 任何一个噪声污染事件都是由三个要素构成:噪声源、传声途径和接收者。