We will play a trick on the old abbot . 我们要跟老修道院长开个玩笑。
The good abbot of holywood is a strong pillar to the weak . "圣林"修道院是弱者强有力的靠山。
Now arrived the abbot and several hundred monks and nuns, all drawn by the prodigious smoke, and all in a grand state of excitement . 这时候,方丈和好几百僧民都来到了,全都被那遮天蔽日的黑烟吸引来的,也全都兴奋得了不得。
The abbot and his monks were assembled in the great hall, observing with childish wonder and faith the performances of a new magician, a fresh arrival . 方丈和众僧都聚集在大厅里,瞧一位新来乍到的魔术家表演魔术,那么纳罕称奇,那么容易受骗,简直就跟小孩子一样。
Go speak to the abbot of st . cros , dom vladimir 去找圣克罗修道院的弗拉基米尔院长
abbotとは意味:abbot 修院長 しゅういんちょう 大修道院長 だいしゅうどういんちょう 修道院長 しゅうどういんちょう abbot meaning: Noun: abbot abut The superior of an abbey of monks - archimandrite Derived forms: abbots See also: abbatial Type of: superior Encyclopedia: Abbot, George Abbo...abbot en francais:n. abbéabbot artinya:kepala biarawanabbot 뜻:noun, 수도원장abbot перевод:1) аббат, настоятель монастыря _Id: Abbot of Misrule (_шотл. of Unreason) глава рождественских увеселений, "пира дураков" и т. п.